The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki

Don't Wake the Neighbear
Recipe for Disaster
No-Good Samaritan
Why No Rhino

Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots
Can't Wait to be Queen
Eye of the Beholder
The Kupatana Celebration
Fuli's New Family
Follow That Hippo!
The Call of the Drongo
Paintings and Predictions
The Mbali Fields Migration
Janja's New Crew
Never Roar Again
Ono's Idol

The Traveling Baboon Show
The Rise of Scar
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
Swept Away
Rescue in the Outlands
The Bite of Kenge
The Morning Report
Divide and Conquer
The Scorpion's Sting
Undercover Kinyonga
The Hyena Resistance
Beshte and the Beast
Pride Landers Unite!
The Fall of Mizimu Grove

Battle for the Pride Lands
Return to the Pride Lands
